What Is Lateral Thinking?
The term lateral thinking was defined by Edward de Bono, and
It literally means thinking beyond the ordinary. All of you are accustomed to
Vertical form of thinking in which the results seem very obvious and the ideas
Are obtainable through the conventional step by step procedure. There is a
Simple solution for every problem if you apply vertical thinking. Whereas, the
Difficult and complex problems become exceedingly difficult to fathom. Using
The faculty of wonder is a gift that everyone is possessed with however, not
Many people facilitate from this gift and give their creative thinking a
How Can You Adopt It?
You may feel that you don't have the innate ability to think
By using lateral thinking however, if
You change your perception a whole new perspective will be shown to you. The
Ideas or problems may seem very gigantic at first but they get more difficult
If you fear them instead of breaking it down into smaller problems. First and
Foremost, trust your snap judgment and come up with various ideas no matter how
Absurd they may seem at first. Some of the best ideas that people found sounds
Silly at first. Secondly, be a non-conformist! When you come across a problem,
Don't contemplate as to how was it done before rather how can it be done
Differently to get better results. Lastly, keep a record of your thoughts while
You are letting the ideas flow. This will help you revisit the ideas and
Streamline your thoughts.
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