IQ- A Criteria For Entering College
It goes
Without saying that intelligence is the reason you manage to enter into
College in the first place. One of the criteria for entering into a college is
To be able to acquire a standard level of IQ which will determine your
Capabilities and makes you aware of what you are capable of. The need for an IQ
The level varies from major to major. If your career major is agriculture, you
Wouldn't need a high IQ level as opposed to physics or astronomy. President
The Barack Obama whose field is political science has an IQ level of 130 as
Compared to Einstein with a much higher level of 160.
Gender And Its Correlation With IQ Level
According to
James Flynn, who happens to be an IQ expert, women have outnumbered men in
Colleges and have attained more degrees
As compared to men. Inadvertently, they also score remarkably high when it
Comes to IQ scores. Intelligent quotient is normally gauged by analyzing the
Deviation from the normal standard IQ level and is a renowned predictor of
Educational success, job performance and potential income level. There may have
Been theories which had led to the result that women are more than intellectual
Men, yet this is a topic of debate even today. The sad part is that despite of
Scoring higher than men in terms of IQ level, many women never realize their
True potential. They undermine their own abilities and let the men surpass
Them. As women, you should be confident about your abilities, and for all the
Men out there, give a chance to the women to outshine without ridiculing them
And looking down upon them!
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