Change Is Inevitable
The paradigm shift is a change of thinking in another way of
Thinking. Sometimes you are unable to see things the way they are in reality
Because your vision is fogged by the perception. The sooner you come to a
Realization of this fact, the closer you get into adopting the change and
Embracing it. Change as everyone is aware
Is almost inevitable. Your journey from cradle to the grave, we
Encounter change at every stage of our lives. When you get to the college level
And leave behind your school years, you are almost compelled to leave your immature
Ways of doing things behind and have
This new paradigm shift by using the faculty of wonder that God has granted
Each one of you.
The Importance Of A Paradigm Shift
The shift in the paradigm shift allows you to accept new
Ways of thinking and making sense of the world around you. If you had been
Tenacious about a certain idea for too long and had been adamant enough to hold
On to it for too long, ask yourself just one question. Is this idea always
Viable? Does it provide you a radical
Solution for your problems? Does it always workout without any loop holes? If
The answer to any of the above questions is a "NO" , you need to revisit
Your thinking. If for instance, you are relying on yourself to complete all the
Deadlines and looking at it realistically, it seems humanly impossible to be
Able to do so, explore new ways of approaching it in order to acquire
Commendable grades.
News Resource By: www.theharvardwriters.com/essay-writing-service.html

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