Can you hear grandma telling
a story to her children about a green hooded man, who used to rob the rich
& help the poor?
Time has wings but the story remains the same in all times.
DC Comics
In old times, the story was
regarding a brilliant archer & swordsman. Afterwards, came the comics on
the green hooded man. The man is none other than "Robin Hood", a
famous DC Comic of all times among kids.
Small Ville
We grew up with stories on Hood, then we started watching his cartoons on TV. The interests were so high that it led to an introduction of a character Green Arrow in a famous series on a life of superman in Smallville. Oliver Queen, a Richie rich, was portrayed as an archer-hero in the series.
Yeah! We all loved the concept of Justice League in Smallville. The uniqueness in every episode of the series, was so mesmerizing.
Creative End

Every person look for "creativity"
in the things they see, read, eat, use etc.
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