Draft a budget
You need to slice up your money. A pencil and a paper would
be your best helping hands to prepare your budget. List out everything related
to your expenditures; where and how much you are spending. Be honest to
yourself. Marking the unnecessary expenses with a red pen might cause your page
to bleed.
Go digital
First of all, you do not need to buy new textbooks,
especially in US. You can find hundred of online websites with buying and
renting options for used textbooks. Also, do not throw your bucks on your final
thesis. It is happening to you because you are engaging your college fellow to
do your thesis. And you can’t do it yourself due to tough working hours. However,
you can easily get high quality yet affordable dissertation on internet.
Sharing is caring
Are you looking for a space to live near your college? A
friendly suggestion would be that do not rent an apartment alone. You need to search
out for any college student who can share apartment with you. You can also share
room in dorm to save money.
Never become a borrower
You should never carry burden of loan at your back. As
another way, you may go for scholarships and grants. If you did not get any,
you can still opt for community colleges. They are not expensive at all.
Be responsible
You need to change your habits too. Stick a list somewhere
in your room including somewhat as switch off the lights, reduce spending on
coke, turn off machines, save water, etc . And the list goes on. But, you’ll save money
at the end of the month.